Bev White

My name is Bev White and I am the CEO of Nash Squared, a £1.3bn global technology and talent solutions provider with 49 offices across the USA, Europe and Asia

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CEO Blog – Agility


As the lockdown conditions around the world continue to gradually and carefully ease, we are experiencing some growth in permanent hiring again. Our contract recruitment business continues to hold up well, and in some countries like Belgium and the Netherlands the contracting business appears to be taking market share from the competition.

In our technology solutions businesses, Crimson and NashTech, the opportunities are growing. Companies are adapting to the realities of operating in this new world, where they need to be efficient and ‘digital first’, and they are turning to us to help build their important digital services. We are strengthening our sector expertise in these two businesses.

Our Alumni business is still suffering the most from the COVID-19 pandemic effect. The demand for these services is gradually increasing and some excellent new assignments have been won across all of our geographies.

These services are typically focused on the most senior people and senior roles in businesses and so are usually the first investments that are frozen when there is some form of economic crisis and the slowest to come back fully as business confidence rises again.

There is a way to go before we can know how demand for our services will settle down into a more predictable pattern, so we continue to forecast and share business intelligence between the ExCo on a weekly basis.

In this way we are best placed to act swiftly to respond to changing needs. Being agile is one of the most valuable things a business can be right now. We are permanently on a high state of alert and ready to respond as the needs arise; it will be our agility that will help us thrive.

It’s great to see how our Yammer platform is being used to tell everyone about our frequent new wins, and the fantastic ways we are supporting our clients and raising the profile of the Group.

Keep sharing this with each other, it’s inspiring to see how we are adapting and responding to the needs of this new world.

As we come towards the weekend I am conscious of how intensely people are working on the business so please do take time out to rest and recuperate. Keep safe and well.


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