Bev White

My name is Bev White and I am the CEO of Nash Squared, a £1.3bn global technology and talent solutions provider with 49 offices across the USA, Europe and Asia

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Lessons from Lockdown

This week marks 8 weeks in lockdown and I have been reflecting on what I have been learning during this time. I would love to hear back from you too, what have you discovered?

So, what have I learnt?

About myself? I can work from home and not feel isolated. I didn’t believe that was possible before now, and it did take a few weeks to settle down before I enjoyed the new commute to work and the short walk to the coffee and tea, whilst swerving past the biscuits and other tempting treats.

I am more resilient than I thought, and that taking that walk, run, or bike ride must be part of each day to keep on being resilient.

I can focus more on the quality of the conversation when on a Teams or Zoom call, taking care to really pay attention to what is being said and not get distracted. I have enjoyed that a lot.

About our business? The sheer joy of seeing the emerging innovation and talent across the world. New ideas which can make such a difference to the new world we now live in being developed at speed. New apps, virtual learning tools, virtual experience platforms just to name a few.

The generosity of spirit that I have witnessed across our businesses where many are giving time to distribute food and medicines to the vulnerable and alone, calling out to our wider communities to rally PPE supplies to keep our healthcare providers safe.

The rise of distributed leadership. This has been fascinating and wonderful in equal measures. Hopping on Teams calls and witnessing people confidently speaking up, taking responsibility and offering help outside of what might be considered to be within their old world roles.

The quiet confidence, despite the uncertainty in today’s world, from people who are going about their business, winning work, delivering projects, and supporting the businesses. Working with pace, professionalism and humility.

The focus not just on today but on the future too and putting together solid plans to get there. Daring to dream of what could be and being courageous in asking for the support to get there. This demonstrates real strength of leadership to me.

The way that the Yammer platform across all of our business has been taken on and owned by all and used to share opportunities to learn from others and each other, celebrate wins, ask for help, keep us smiling.

Just how much it matters to everyone that we keep close to our clients, candidates and contractors as well as each other. Support has come in so many different ways and people have demonstrated great generosity in the gift of time to lend help here.

The pride in the quality of the work we do, this has been the bedrock of everything we do.

The happiness shared by all as some of our offices open up once again around the world and hearing about the gradual return of projects previously put on hold. It gives us all hope that our turn in the country we live in, will come to us soon too.

All of these things and many more have occupied my thoughts in these past weeks. We are a strong and rapidly adapting group of businesses and we have demonstrated each day how we are so much stronger when we work together.

I long for the day when we can freely and safely be together again, reaching out with a handshake and sitting together over a coffee. In the meantime keep safe and well and thank you for your commitment, courage and generosity.


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