There is no ‘I’ in Team
I am constantly reminded how I thrive being around others, especially when tapping into a wide variety of thinking and new ideas. It’s one of the reasons I love being in business, especially one like Harvey Nash Group.
Last month I spoke with 87 senior leaders from across our business, sharing what I have been working on the past six months and asking about how we can make our great businesses even better.
Each roundtable meeting generated so many ideas, great feedback from so many smart people - it was hard to think of little else in the days that followed.
I probably won’t be surprising anyone to say some of the topics we covered included cross-selling, collaboration, inclusion, training and continuing to improve transparency in our business.
The good news is that there has been a great deal of consistency in what we should do, and next week I am going to share and discuss the key themes with the ExCo, agree the priorities and the actions. I will then feed this back to the 87 leaders and off we will go. Businesses that challenge themselves to be better will achieve so much more than they currently do.
This has to be just the beginning of how we keep the ideas flowing and evolve our businesses and overall group.
We need to get ourselves into a position where we are continually improving, to enable us to achieve our potential. My first thoughts when I joined the company back in February was just how much potential our businesses and Group has.
If we keep challenging ourselves, being open to new thinking, we can grow exponentially. It’s exciting. It’s also very much a team effort, no lone person can do this, it takes us all.
At the same time, I always value external ideas from a wide range of sources. I spend part of every week speaking with external industry and economic experts, clients, candidates, influencers. This is valuable time spent understanding perspectives, gaining opinions and data on the future.
This enables me to consider the potential impact on our business and how we should adapt to the external market needs.
Working with our ExCo, and gathering their own views and experiences, we are able to access a considerable range of data and trends.
Combine this with the ideas generated from within our businesses and we have an amazing platform of insights and knowledge to build our strategy and day to day plans.
Whilst around us we live in times of uncertainty, our ability to act on these changing conditions with speed will enable us to best support our clients and candidates, creating exciting growth opportunities for the future.
As always, heading towards the weekend, keep safe and well.