Bev White

My name is Bev White and I am the CEO of Nash Squared, a £1.3bn global technology and talent solutions provider with 49 offices across the USA, Europe and Asia

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Winning without a medal

Wednesday this week I was at an awards ceremony.  

It was a smart, grand occasion hosted in a large hall in central London and the place was buzzing with excitement.  Maybe you have been to something similar in the past.

It was a pleasure to be there with Rhodri, Rachel, Rhona and Rob, who were there because of their role in our award entry, not because all their names began with ‘r’, which was pure co-incidence!  

We were up for two awards, one for best recruitment company and one for me personally as business leader. With two possible chances to win, a table given to us with easy access to the winner’s podium, and some recent hints from judges to expect good news, we were in an expectant mood.

So how did we do?

Terribly! We won neither award.

Was it a little disappointing?

Yes of course, we’re Nash Squared and one of our values is ‘hungry’ - we want to win and be seen as winners. 

But another is ‘human’. We already have a long, and growing list of awards (many from more prestigious ceremonies than the one we were at), and I realised regardless of winning or losing, we would still be ‘us’. And that is more than good enough.

Above all I had a wonderful night with fellow employees, we laughed, talked about a wide range of things and heard stories about wild swimming, rain, friends and family, food and lots more.

Nash Squared are winners. We don’t need a medal to know that.

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